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Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

What is a Face Lift?

A Face Lift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing visible signs of aging on the face and enhancing its overall appearance. It involves lifting and tightening the skin and underlying tissues to create a more youthful look.

Who is a candidate for a Face Lift?

A Face Lift is typically suitable for adults showing signs of aging and sagging skin on the face, seeking facial rejuvenation. However, suitability for this procedure needs to be evaluated by a plastic surgeon.

How is a Face Lift performed?

In a Face Lift, the surgeon makes strategic incisions, lifts the skin and underlying tissues, repositions them for a more youthful contour, and removes excess skin and fat if necessary. The incisions are then carefully closed.

How long does a Face Lift procedure take?

The duration of a Face Lift procedure varies based on the patient’s needs, the extent of the surgery, and the techniques used. Generally, it can take between 2 to 5 hours.

When can I return to normal activities after a Face Lift?

After a Face Lift, it typically takes about 1 to 2 weeks of rest and recovery before gradually returning to normal activities. You can start resuming physical activities as advised by your doctor.

When can the results of a Face Lift be seen?

Results of a Face Lift start becoming apparent after the initial healing period, once swelling and bruising subside. Full results are typically visible within a few months as the healing process completes.

Are the results of a Face Lift permanent or temporary?

The results of a Face Lift are generally considered long-lasting, but the natural aging process continues over time, and new signs of aging may gradually appear.

What are the risks associated with a Face Lift procedure?

Risks of a Face Lift may include infection, bleeding, excessive swelling, anesthesia reactions, sensory loss, scar formation, and asymmetry, among other potential complications.

At what age should one consider a Face Lift?

A Face Lift is typically considered for individuals aged 40 and above, but the decision is more based on signs of aging and the condition of the skin rather than a specific age. Consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential.

What precautions should be taken after a Face Lift?

After a Face Lift, it’s important to follow the surgeon’s instructions, care for incisions, manage swelling and pain, protect from sun exposure, maintain a healthy diet, and get adequate rest. These measures are crucial for a successful recovery.

Ready to get started?

You can contact us to get more information about our operations and detailed information.